Tuesday 20 April 2010

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product

From looking back at my preliminary task, i can see a vast improvement from my first project i did. In my preliminary task i think my final front cover did not really look like a front cover, it could be interpreted as another form of item , such as a leaflet. I do like the layout of the cover, but prehaps the back ground is a bit too much as well as the different colours. I was pleased with my image for the preliminary task, as i think it is posed nicely and has a nice soft touch to the picture, and looks quite vibrant. Compared to my music magazine, i think this task has come out alot better, due to more planning and reserach. I am pleased with my final designs for my magazine, especially the front cover as i think it looks more detailed and has a more conventional layout, common to magazines. Also i think the colour scheme works well. During the preliminary task i developed my technical skills, which was usefull for the next task, as it allowed me to feel more confident when using the camera equiptment and programs such as Photoshop and Microsoft Publisher. I feel as i have improved alot during these two tasks.

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