Monday 19 April 2010

My evaluation

1. In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In this document i have screen-grabbed nine elements of my project. First of all my masthead has got a kind of broken and messy effect to it due to the jagged edges of the letters, the black and pink emphasizes the genre of the magazine, reenforcing a dance/rave/club kind of feel to the genre. The light grey writing introduces a neutral tone to the masthead. Having two-three different colours used on the masthead is quite common on music magazines. The actual name of the magazine 'raise the roof' suggests the magazine features music of a loud/bass type.
I screen-grabbed an element of the contents page. Similarly to the masthead it has a messy feel to the writing. The white writing contrasts the black background. I've seen this effect used in Kerrang, NME and smash hits. Also for the title of the double page spread i used this effect of messy/broken writing.
The two images i took, of an imaginary new to the scene artist, were thought through carefully. I thought the pose of her biting head phones would be quite a different idea. The prop of headphones still give a music/Dj vibe to the images. I thought about the colour of her clothes;black/gold and blue. The mise en scene of the images are having fun, being fashionable and portraying the genre.
I then screen-grabbed my front cover. This style of front cover is very common in music magazines. I kept a colour scheme and researched features that appear on music magazines and made them into my own features for my magazine. For example a quote from an interview on the cover is very conventional for a music magazine.
On my contents page, i again stuck to a colour theme. Having whats actually inside the magazine is obviously conventional. I used an image of an actual artist for the contents page, as i'd seen ion other magazines. This again links the genre to the magazine. I used another image in the middle of the page that i'd took which suggests the genre and dance/rave/dubstep. This again is conventional to have images suggesting genre. I have included the barcode on this document as i feel it is an important feature of the front cover, it is used on every magazine for a simple purpose of price.
I included a small section of my questions, i used two different colours to contrast and simplify viewing of the writing. On my double page spread i used a collection of images of the celebrity which is conventional, the images are almost like a photoshoot.

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