Thursday 22 April 2010

Feedback from my peers

Jessica Walshe - I really like the colours on this magazine and the type of music it is about.Just with reading the front cover i would be very interested in reading on in the magazine.

William Keenan - The colours you have used are very effective and fit the genre of music you have chosen well. The masthead you have stands out very well if I was in a shop and saw this magazine I would be tempted to purchase it straight away!

Jade Keating- The front cover of the magazine is my favourite. The colours and photograph's you used really fit in well with the genre. The magazine is very eye catching, as it stands out mainly because of the photograph's.

Rachel Sweeney - I think the front cover is very effective and i think the border at the bottom completes the cover. The colours work very well and fit well with the genre of music the magazine is based on. I also feel the contents page works well also and completes the magazine.

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