Monday 19 April 2010

Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience

I tried to make my imaginary magazine, as attractive to the target audience as possible, by sticking to a retro and suitable colour theme through out. I used quite a conventional layout, that is common to music magazines. I included artists that would appeal to the intended audience and made my imaginary artist look as though she was part of the genre used in my magazine. I included competitions and features to attract the audience and entice them into reading and hoping they would win the competition. I think a unique selling point of this magazine is that there are not many magazines around that include this genre of music. There is a pop market, a rock market and thats about it really, i have not seen a big dance music market for magazines. I think the image on the front is the main thing i like about my front cover. It suggests the genre, is very conventional and typical to have that type of, posed image on the front.
I think my layout for the contents page is attractive, as it is different to most music magazines i analysed. Again i stuck with the bright colours against the black background for a club/retro/electro feel. The contents of the magazine is layed out clearly so it is easy to read and find what page you are looking for. The image of the band La Roux at the top shows and also suggests genre and is conventional to have a band on the page showing the type of artists shown in the magazine.
The double page spread again sticks to the colour scheme, and uses images of my made up artist 'Jay-Jay' to show the interview and pages are dedicated to her. This will attract the audience, as they will be interested in seeing and hearing about a brand new and upcoming, fresh artist.

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